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How TravelPerk helps you improve travel policy compliance

How TravelPerk helps you improve travel policy compliance

Making sure employees don’t overspend your business travel budget and stay within policy is a huge challenge for many companies. As business travel is usually a large part of your overall company budget, it’s essential you keep this under control.

In this article, we’ll walk you through how TravelPerk makes travel policy compliance easy for your whole organization. From keeping Claire in finance happy with flexible policies and automated approval processes that are baked into our platform, to keeping your jet set travelers satisfied by giving them more autonomy to book their own travel and make better-informed choices that actually fall within budget. 

5 ways Travelperk will help you improve travel policy compliance

Improved Travel Policy Awareness

First things first, travel policy awareness is key. If your team has never even read your policy, how will they stick to it? If you’ve spent the time to create a robust business travel policy, you need to make sure that employees actually know what’s in there! Sounds obvious, right? 

But many companies have their policies hidden away in a shared drive or on the company intranet – where it’s easily forgotten and employees can’t access important information when they need it.  

With TravelPerk, there are no excuses when travelers claim they don’t know what’s in policy! We make awareness and compliance really simple by allowing you to have your corporate travel policy baked into our booking tool. Meaning employees no longer need to sift through long policy documents or frantically try and find your travel policy hidden in the depths of your company shared drive.

Once you’ve uploaded your travel policy to TravelPerk, its seamlessly integrated into their business travel search, so travelers will always know if a flight, hotel or train is within policy or not. 

Here’s an example of how your policy is integrated into the TravelPerk platform…

Traveler autonomy and total peace of mind

So, what are the additional benefits of having your corporate travel policy embedded into our platform? 

For one, it takes the pressure off admins and travel managers by giving employees more autonomy to book their own trips and make informed choices whilst still staying within budget. 

Secondly, It also gives your finance team total peace of mind. (No more night sweats for Nigel, your CFO…) 

For example, if an employee tries to book…

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