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Things that may shock you when visiting the US for the first time – Earth’s Attractions

Things that may shock you when visiting the US for the first time

Going to the US for the first time? Here are some useful details about the things that may shock you when visiting the US for the first time.

Visiting the United States of America is a dream for many people but, as with many other countries in the world, you need to be prepared and know what to expect on your first-time trip to the US.

Food portions are huge

You have no idea how big the food portions are! Lunch can feed you for dinner too. Maybe even lunch the next day.

If you’re going with a family member, order first a portion and see if you want to share it.

things to know before going to the USA for the first time

The bread is sweet

I know, we use a bit of sugar to make the dough – even I use it at home. But in the US this is taken to the next level. The common bread is sweet!

And sugar is put in almost everything and you’ll most likely sense it – keep in mind that we eat sugar, we’re not against it, but it has to be consumed with measure and included only when and where it’s necessary.

Americans are loud

The second thing that may shock you when visiting America for the first time is that the Americans are loud. For people from different cultures, this can be a bit overwhelming.

You’ll need a visa

If you’re used to travelling with your ID card as people from the EU can do, for instance), then you need to know that you will need a visa for the US.

Speaking of US Visa, check out the EVUS – Electronic Visa Update System – which has been created to determine eligibility to travel to the United States for temporary business or pleasure. Read here more about the EVUS Registration Status.

Tips are required almost everywhere

what to expect when visiting America for the first time

You’re expected to leave a tip (and not a small one) for almost any service, not just in restaurants.

So another item on this list of strange things about the US is that you will need more money than planned, as you’ll end up paying a whole lot more than budgeted!

Also, make sure you let the bank know about your trip – especially if you’ll be spending a lot – so that what happened to a friend of mine (have the account blocked and payments refused, even if it’s you using the card) doesn’t happen to you.

He had cards from two banks, so he was ok, but it wasn’t fun when he couldn’t pay at the restaurant from the first atempt, especially as it was a business dinner.

Sales taxes are EXTRA (not included in the price)

Next on this list of what to expect when visiting America for the first time, is – or, rather, are – the taxes.

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