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Man brands his girlfriend ‘selfish’ for booking surprise Paris minibreak

Man brands his girlfriend ‘selfish’ for booking surprise Paris minibreak

A woman says she was called “selfish” by her boyfriend after booking a surprise trip to Paris for the two of them to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

She bought flights for the pair of them to visit the City of Love, somewhere she had “always wanted to go”.

However, her boyfriend didn’t react as expected and was allegedly angry she hadn’t discussed the city break with him first.

Sharing her experience on parenting website Mumsnet, the anonymous woman asked others if she was to blame for the bad response.

“I surprised him this morning with a city break for Valentine’s Day to Paris,” she wrote. “I’ve always wanted to go and thought it would be a lovely weekend away. He’s angry at me for not discussing it and said it’s because I’m ‘selfish’ and have ‘only child syndrome’.

“I honestly didn’t do it to be bossy or overbearing. I just wanted to do something nice. I’ve paid for flights/transfers/hotel so it’s not like I’m asking for anything from him.”

She then asked readers if she was in the wrong and should have consulted her boyfriend about the trip instead of surprising him.

Some came to her defence, calling her partner ungrateful and offering alternative suggestions to make the most of the booking.

“Well, he doesn’t need to go then, does he? Take a friend instead,” wrote one person.

“He sounds a bloody misery. I’d be thrilled if someone did this for me,” another added.

One person claimed she should just leave the boyfriend entirely.

“Dump him. He’s not a good fit for you,” they wrote.

“Move on to someone who appreciates spontaneity and joie de vivre. He sounds dreadfully dull.”

However, not everyone supported how she went about things, with some also calling her selfish as the trip was something she wanted to do.

“A fairly new boyfriend did this to me once, although the destination wasn’t Paris, it was somewhere else I had no interest in going,” one person wrote.

“I know it was supposed to be a nice surprise, but I didn’t like being told when and where I was going to be going, that I was going to have to book time off work and especially that I was then supposed to act happy about it,” they added.

“I think booking surprise trips is really only something you should do when you know that person inside out and are booking somewhere you’re sure they have wanted to go for a long time.

“Honestly, a Valentine’s weekend in Paris sounds more like a treat for you than a gift for him.”

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