Travel News

How to Convince Parents to Let You Travel the World (Top Tips)

How to Convince Parents to Let You Travel the World (Top Tips)

“Mom… I’m going to quit my job and travel the world.” (How to Convince Parents)

The very moment that these words escaped my lips back in 2013, I assure you that my mom had various ghastly visions in her mind that are not limited to scenarios of me ending up as a broke lass, or as a cold lifeless body in a ditch of some foreign place.

That might seem a bit drastic but it’s true — it’s a known fact that parents are the true-blue experts in worrying and… we can’t really blame them for that.

I say this because though I’m not a parent, I still remember the last time that I was in charge of looking after my nephew while we were in the mall and that brief moment when he was out of my sight made me experience a feeling that I would never, ever, want to experience again. It’s surely a nerve-wracking ordeal to be responsible for someone else’s life and safety… so how much more when you have your own child, right? That’s why as early as now, you must understand the ‘natural instinct’ of our parents to protect and worry about us.

I come from a family that’s arguably traditional so they are fiercely set on the normal flow of life: study, graduate, work in a good company, marry, have kids and then retire.

In fact, the whole of my country (the Philippines) has a very traditional culture so it was a huge shock when my parents found out that they had a non-conventional child who did not only want to quit a secure corporate job but also wanted to travel the world like a nomad. (They thought I was crazy. Naturally.)

So if you were in the same boat as I was before, I can imagine how anxious you might be right now as you try to gauge a way on how to convince your parents to let you travel the world. (A lot of you have actually been messaging me about this topic).

It might be easy to do this if your parents were solo travelers themselves in the past, or are a bit more radical toward this idea. Still and the same, the fact remains that they will always have some concerns that you need to answer to.

Fortunately, parental concerns are somewhat universal after all, and with the right preparation AND with the help of this post, you should be able to quell their worries and eventually make them more accepting of your decision. Besides… if I had managed to make my ‘strict’ parents let me go, then for sure, YOU could too!

How to Convince Parents to Let You Go

» What to Do

I bet that at one point in your life you…

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