Travel News

How to Stay Fit While Traveling: 5 Ultimate Tips

How to Stay Fit While Traveling: 5 Ultimate Tips

I’ve been traveling for more than 5 years now and a lot of people have been asking me how to stay fit while traveling — after all, I have such a haphazard lifestyle and it’s hard to stay on top of my healthier habits.

I usually answer this kind of question with irony and hints of embarrassment (I’m still bad at handling compliments) but after yet another email from a reader the other day, I thought that it was finally time for me to get over my coyness. That’s why now, I’m putting up a post about it as I officially answer this question once and for all.

But first, let me just say that this ‘how to stay fit while traveling’ post is not here to tell you to be thin. I’m just here to tell you to be healthy.

Nor am I here to tell you that I am the kind of person who has divine abs and a rocking ass (woot, I wish I have those!). I’m not even a freak of workouts because, despite the fact that I am fit, I’m not insanely muscled or toned — which is fine because as long as I’m healthy, that’s enough for me.

But of course, with that in mind, this doesn’t mean that I have managed to stay fit like this with no effort at all and with due thanks to a crazy metabolism rate (nope, I don’t have that either, and my age now is not helping). After all, I always put effort and I still get unfit if I let myself go. Therefore, even if I lack the discipline to form rock-hard abs, I rather have the discipline to stick to some habits and routines in order to maintain my current healthy form… and I’m going to share those tips with you!

Besides, I still and always will care for my health AND my body. I’m not going to spew B.S. or lies and tell you that I don’t care about how I look because I do. Let’s face it: we all care, and it’s absolutely fine to care about your physical state as long as it doesn’t get waaaay into your head and as long as it’s not your only motivation.

You see, I simply chose to try and stay fit because it makes me feel better, and it does make me better — mentally and physically. I’ve seen enough real-life horror stories and I want none of that — I want to live a long life and avoid diseases for as much as I could!

So… how to stay fit while traveling?

I simply form a routine as I ensure to make good choices — if not pick the lesser evil — in whatever I do or consume. Mind you, I don’t do any strict dieting program, so rest assured, the steps below are things that you can also easily execute in…

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