Travel News

CroisiEurope’s Andalusia: Tradition, gastronomy and flamenco

CroisiEurope's Andalusia: Tradition, gastronomy and flamenco

Once conquistadores sailed from Seville along the Guadalquivir River out into the Atlantic and onto the New World. Latin American silver flowed back, upstream, to bring a wealth of art, culture and architecture to Andalusia. For seven nights and eight days CroisiEurope’s 176-berth La Belle de Cadiz is the base for an exploration of Andalusia.

It is the only river cruiser to sail through the Guadalquivir’s rich legacy of empires: Roman, Moor and Hapsburg. Sailing south there are views of the marshes, shifting sand dunes and the migratory birds of the Doñana National Park. Unusually, for a river cruiser, even though it is four times longer than Columbus’ flagship that sailed to the New World, La Belle de Cadix briefly sails the Atlantic too: emerging from the river to moor at Cadiz.

For all its significance in Spanish history, there is more to Andalusia then can merely be seen from the Guadalquivir. As the stretch of river from Seville to Cordoba is no longer navigable, coaches are used for further exploration.

The welcome

Smiling crew greet coaches and taxis at the quayside whisking luggage to cabins. Guests are welcomed aboard with a chilled drink, names quickly ticked off and key cards issued. Then guests are guided to their cabins. Later, separate welcomes, accompanied by the cocktail of the day, are given in English, French and Spanish.

The cabin

Our upper deck cabin has a large panoramic window. Our first entertainment is the kayakers, paddle boarders and rowers gliding by as the sun sets beyond the Guadalquivir. Every cabin has its own discrete air-conditioning system, even in spring and autumn the nights are warm. Furniture is light wood coloured.

Two adjoining single beds, each with their own bedding, are at the centre of the cream cabin. Beneath the bed there is room to slide luggage out of sight. A wall-mounted screen broadcasts cruise information and a small selection of television channels. CroisiEurope toiletries are provided for the en-suite bathroom with shower.

The facilities

As a hot sun often roasts the top deck a partial canopy provides much needed shade. Nearby, there is a small pool for a cooling dip and plenty of sun-loungers for relaxation. It is always possible to find a quiet spot to relax on La Belle de Cadix.


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