Travel News

UK Dangerous Roads – 5 of the Most Hazardous Drives

Kirkstone Pass is one of the most dangerous roads in the UK

The UK is a relatively small country, all things considered. It is also, however, home to some of the most treacherous roads in Europe. While the motorways are generally quite safe (aside from the notorious M6, of course), the smaller roads and A roads of the UK can be quite dangerous to those who are not paying complete attention to the road.

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So, whether you’re a regular driver or have just taken out temporary learner driver insurance and are starting your journey to become a UK driver, take note of these roads so you know what to look out for and potentially avoid.

Most Dangerous Roads in the UK

Treacherous Roads: The A592 – Kirkstone Pass

Situated in the Lake District, Kirkstone Pass is notorious for being one of the most haunted roads in the world. But beyond the ghost stories, it’s actually a pretty difficult road to navigate. Even more so at night as there are no lights to speak of. It’s fully paved but incredibly curvy, narrow, and steep. Indeed, it was once known not as the pass but as “The Struggle.” With dome ice and snow in the winter it’s even more dangerous. One that only experienced drivers should attempt.

Kirkstone Pass – Image by kimberley517407 from Pixabay

The A496 – Snowdonia’s Mountainous Passage

Snowdonia is one of the most beautiful regions of Wales. Millions of people travel there every year to take on Mount Snowdon and experience some truly remarkable natural views. But getting there via the A496 is something you might reconsider unless you are comfortable behind the wheel. You might pass through loads of stunning little villages and the road might be awash with incredible views of the coast. However, the road is hazardously twisty and there are plenty of distractions to avoid.

Hazardous Roads: The A57 – Snake Pass

As you probably gathered by the name, the A57, which winds through the Pennines, is a notoriously twisted winding road. It recorded 137 accidents between 2014 and 2018. If you’re going to tackle this one, we’d recommend doing so in the spring and summer months. Try to get there during the early afternoon, when the sun is at its highest.

Dangerous UK Roads – The Hardknott Pass

One of the steepest roads in England, the Hardknott pass is also one of the narrowest and most difficult to drive. If you have the windows open you might even find yourself short of breath, as it’s located about 400m above sea level. It boasts a heart-stopping series…

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