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10 Things Visitors Should Be Aware Of Before Travelling To India

10 Things Visitors Should Be Aware Of Before Travelling to India 01

Travelling to India can be an experience of a lifetime, with the culture and colours dazzling visitors who come to explore this ancient land. India is an emerging economy, and its tourism industry continues to grow yearly. Thus, making it a favorite destination for visitors of all nationalities. India offers tourists a wealth of attractions, religious, traveling, and sightseeing. It is also a country with its fair share of political and social unrest, which can be daunting for those visiting India for the first time. There are many amazing things about this wonderful country that you should know before visiting, which will make travelling in India even better.

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Things Visitors Should Be Aware Of Before Travelling To India

1. Be Prepared for Culture Shock 

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It is very easy to be completely overwhelmed by this ancient culture. India has a rich and diverse culture with a huge number of languages and customs that can lead to confusion, making it difficult to know how to act. Culture shock is something that many first-time visitors to India experience, especially when it comes to food and transportation. It would help if you studied Indian culture before traveling to the country to be aware of some customs and traditions.

2. Get Out of the Cities

The big cities of India are places you would want to visit and experience, but it is recommended that you get out of the city and explore this vast country. India has many wonderful landscapes, mountains, forests, and lakes, which will offer you a different experience of the country altogether. It is highly recommended that first-time visitors drive out of their comfort zone to see how people live in rural areas.

3. Wear Appropriate Attire and Cover-up When Necessary

10 Things Visitors Should Be Aware Of Before Travelling to India
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India is a conservative country, and you should dress sensitively according to the culture. Many Indian women wear saris, a long piece of cloth wrapped around the body with a belt that can be worn in different styles according to the occasion. Men should avoid shorts and tight clothing when visiting India because it might offend locals. It is always highly recommended to cover your shoulders, chest and upper arms as a sign of respect for this great culture.

4. Beware of Spiritual Scams

 India is a country with a high spiritual belief system, and many people will try to sell you spiritual items to help you with your spiritual well-being. India is also where you…

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