Travel News

Baggage handlers caught hurling luggage to the ground and laughing on video

Baggage handlers caught hurling luggage to the ground and laughing on video

Baggage handlers at Melbourne airport have been fired after they were filmed throwing passengers’ luggage to the floor and laughing.

A video of the incident, which reportedly took place at Melbourne airport, went viral after it was posted to TikTok on Saturday, 3 December.

Two men in high-vis jackets can be seen hurling the bags onto the ground in the one-minute-long video, with logos for Qantas Airlines visible on the walls.

The men are employees of Qantas subcontractor Swissport, and can be seen smiling and laughing in the footage.

At one point, one bag is thrown with so much force that it knocks a number of others, and falls off the conveyor belt.

The video quickly amassed over 66,000 likes and 24,000 comments, with some commenters calling the workers’ behaviour a “disgrace”.

Qantas uses Swissport to perform its ground handling services at Melbourne airport.

A spokesperson for Qantas told the Guardian: “The behaviour in this video is clearly not acceptable, and our contracted ground handler is conducting an urgent investigation.”

Qantas has said the men will no longer work on its flights.

A spokesperson for Swisspord said: “Swissport trains and manages all staff to handle customer possessions with care and diligence. The actions of staff in the video appear to have contravened those service level standards.

“As a result, the staff in question have been stood down pending an urgent investigation.”

Brad Moore, chief executive of Swissport, said in a letter to Swissport staff that the workers’ behaviour had “let us all down”.

He continued: “Disrespectful behaviour to our customer luggage and personal effects will not be tolerated and will result in serious disciplinary action.

“Rest assured this matter will be investigated with urgency with appropriate follow-up action. The unacceptable behaviour of a few individuals will not go unchecked nor be allowed to tarnish the quality work of our whole team.”

The Independent has approached Melbourne airport for comment.

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