Travel News

Protect yourself, even from bizarre accidents

Protect yourself, even from bizarre accidents

Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere, and to anyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re an athlete, a traveler who loves adventure, or even just another person having a really bad day. The chances of you getting into some of these bizarre accidents are low, but not zero. Check out these situations that will have you thanking your lucky stars that you’re safe and alive – and probably get you thinking about getting yourself insured!

Protect yourself, even from bizarre accidents

Bless you?

Professional athletes are known to be in good physical shape, given the demands of their job. However, sometimes life can be quite the prankster. An article from Bleacher Report shared how former professional baseball player Sammy Sosa once had to sit out a game from a sneezing injury.  Sosa sneezed so hard that we tore a ligament on his back, forcing him to miss a game. This really goes to show how we need to protect ourselves, even from the most mundane of things!


Even major Hollywood stars aren’t immune from freak accidents. In a segment on The Ellen Degeneres Show, Leonardo DiCaprio had a skydiving incident that had him thinking about this mortality.

He was doing a tandem dive. The first parachute didn’t open, and they cut the line. They started freefalling, and he described, “that’s when you get the 8×10 glossies of your whole life flashing before your eyes.” The second one was tangled as well, while his friends around him had their parachutes up while he was still plummeting towards earth. “That was tangled for about a good 20 – 30 seconds, and then he untangled it and said, Oh, you’re probably going to break your legs now because we’re going too fast.”

Luckily, Leo did not break his legs but you can probably say he won’t be skydiving again anytime soon.

When it comes to accidents, don’t just rely on luck. It pays to be ready for financial setbacks that accidents may bring, and having insurance goes a long way when the unthinkable happens. Good thing AXA Philippines, one of the country’s leading insurance providers, partnered with Cebu Pacific to bring you CEB Piso Protect, an affordable personal accident insurance plan.

For as low as P1 a day or P365 a year, you already have an insurance product that can cover the cost of emergency hospitalization, pays a fixed lump sum of P5,000 in case of surgery while in hospital confinement, and provides up to a P250,000 cash benefit in case of death or disablement due to accident.


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