Travel News

An Amazing Photo Tool for Travelers

Nomadic Matt staring out over the arid landscape of Madagascar

Posted: 3/27/2023 | March 27th, 2023

I’m bad at taking photos. That’s not to say the pictures I take are bad (though there’s debate on that too!). Rather, I always forget to take photos for this blog whenever I’m traveling.

I’ve gotten better in recent years (thanks to the team here constantly reminding me). But that means I take a lot of photos — photos of me for my social media, pictures of landscapes and monuments for the website, menus so I can update prices on the blog, and everything in between.

After over 15 years traveling the world, I have thousands and thousands of pictures on my hard drive.


I actually went through all my photos in 2022. It took TWO MONTHS of sorting and arranging them into folders, separating them by date and destination, and removing duplicates and those I didn’t want to keep.

It was a hassle. But it didn’t have to be.

Enter Mylio Photos.

Mylio is an app that makes it easy to save, store, edit, organize, and protect all your travel photos — as well as important documents, like passport scans and visa applications. It’s pretty new and I wish I had found it sooner because it would have saved a lot of time. But, hopefully, it can do that for you!

Mylio is designed to simplify your life as a traveler, so you don’t have to waste time uploading pictures and transferring them from device to device.

If you’re like me and have tons of pictures — ones you want to keep safe and organized — here’s how Mylio can help ensure you don’t lose those travel memories.


What is Mylio?

Mylio is an app that turns your computer, phone, tablet, and/or storage device into a convenient and powerful system for managing a lifetime of memories.

With it, all your photos and videos — from any source — are cataloged into a single library that’s accessible on all your devices.

Did you take photos in Paris on your iPhone but videos on your tablet? With Mylio, they will sync automatically to your laptop, so you don’t have to transfer them. Every photo is available on every device. All the time.

Most travelers (including me, until recently) don’t have a system in place for organizing their photos or keeping them safe from device failure, theft, or loss. We just share some on social media and then dump the rest on a hard drive or in the cloud.

As a result, many travelers struggle to find specific pictures, having to browse multiple folders for the image they need. I can’t count how many times I’ve…

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