Travel News

16 AMAZING Things to Do in Broome, WA (2023 Edition)

Admire The Untouched Nature

My expert guide to the best things to do in Broome, Western Australia will make sure you have the best time possible in this coastal outback paradise!

Not many people visit Western Australia when they’re travelling in Australia. And even fewer venture all the way up north to the Kimberley region, where Broome is located.

Broome lies pretty much in the middle of nowhere. It is extremely isolated, that’s for sure. Its closest towns are Derby, a three-hour drive to the east, and Port Hedland, six hours to the south.

However, the township of Broome has heaps of great things to offer, from unique cultural experiences to show-stopping natural beauty.

It’s a gorgeous place to visit, whether you’re backpacking Australia or just seeking a unique place to get some winter sun!

Admire the untouched nature

The Top Things to Do in Broome

There are dozens of things to do in Broome, and chances are you’ll need more than one visit to do them all.

From witnessing the Staircase to the Moon at high tide, enjoying the landscapes of Roebuck Bay, or cliff jumping and seeing dinosaur footprints, there are plenty of great outdoor things to do in Broome.

Or explore the town and check out the Sun Pictures Cinema, various art galleries, breweries and museums that display the unique side of Western Australia.

But to get you started on the right track, these are the best activities in Broome for you to choose from.

1) Staircase to the Moon

The staircase to the moon is a marvel that happens only on a full moon, and only at certain parts of the year. As the moon ‘rises’, it creates a ‘staircase’ like effect over the waters below. It’s a real spectacle.

When the Staircase to the Moon is scheduled to occur, the first two days host the markets at Town Beach. Here you’ll find local produce, entertainment, souvenirs and delicious dinners from all corners of the globe.

If you happen to visit Broome at the right time, the Staircase to the Moon is certain to impress!

READ MORE: Planning a road trip? Check out our guide to driving from Perth to Broome, with all the epic spots not to miss along the way!

2) Visit Chinatown

Broome is a town rich in history, which can be experienced on a walk around Chinatown. The town’s popularity rose as it was discovered to be a prominent destination for pearling.

In the first days of the industry, many migrants from Asia came to work on the pearling boats. This gives Broome the diverse society that it has retained to this day….

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