Travel News

15 Things You Didn’t Know About Goats

A goat with a red scarf

Aren’t goats the best? If you’re wondering can goats swim, do they like water, or if they sleep, you’ve come to the right place. Learn all this and more about goats in this article. 

We call ourselves Goats On The Road for three reasons.

  1. We call each other “goat” or “goady” as pet names.
  2. We always see goats wandering around on the road when we travel. Plus, we are on the road (notice the double entendre).
  3. We love goats!

15 Things You Didn’t Know About Goats

Who doesn’t love goats? If you’ve ever seen a baby goat, you know that goats are one of the cutest animals alive. But there is a lot more to goats than you may think. They are smart, fashionable and absolutely hilarious.

Here are 15 things you may not know about our favourite nomadic livestock.

1. Goats Are Responsible for Cashmere

If you’re in the fashion business you may have already known that cashmere is made from goat fur, but this was news to me. I was reading a post on this blog and I was shocked to find out that goats actually produce this expensive and luxurious wool!

If you’ve ever smelled a goat before, you may be surprised to find out that people actually wear their fur. Cashmere has been manufactured in Nepal for thousands of years. The fiber is also known as pashm (Persian for wool) or pashmina (Persian/Urdu word derived from Pashm) for its use in the famous handmade shawls of Kashmir.

2. Goats Are Very Social

Despite being represented as shy and introverted in the 12 animal Chinese Zodiac, goats are actually very social. They frequently communicate with each other and mothers can recognize their “kid’s” bleat even after a year of being separated.  

3. Goats Discovered Coffee

Long ago in the Ethiopian highlands, a goat herder named Kaldi noticed that his goats were acting a bit strange. They were hopping up and down and running in circles into the wee hours of the morning.

He soon realized that their strange behaviour was due to their consumption of a certain berry. The berry soon became known for its energetic properties and word about its amazing effects spread into the Arabian Peninsula, and from there it was transported and traded around the world.

The Dancing Goat Coffee Company in the UK has clearly heard of this legend. Today coffee is the world’s second most traded commodity (next to oil). Thanks, goats!

4. Goats Are Quirky

Three goats together

We all know that goats are a quirky animal, but their…

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