Travel News

15 Things to Do in Olympic National Park, Washington

Olympic National Park (photo: Jachan DeVol)

Olympic National Park is an enormous natural paradise that brings together awe-inspiring vistas, unique ecosystems, and unmatched tranquility. It’s located on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State in the Pacific Northwest.

The Olympic National Park Service estimates that 366,000 acres of old-growth forest cover 572 square miles of the park. It is a natural wonderland that offers a variety of activities and sights.

Olympic National Park (photo: Jachan DeVol)
Olympic National Park (photo: Jachan DeVol)

It’s also one of the most visited locations in the United States. In 2022, there were about  2.43 million visits to Olympic National Park. Along the coast and in valleys, the annual rainfall ranges from 100 to 170 inches

The park has a lush ecology with more than 62 species of mammals and 250 species of birds. There are countless unique plant species.

The park is divided into four sections: the Pacific coast, alpine areas, temperate rainforest on the west side, and forests on the dry east side, with three distinct ecosystems.

Are you a hiking enthusiast? Enjoy an extensive network of trails through enchanted forests. There are abundant waterfalls and towering peaks.

The Hoh Rain Forest, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is renowned for its emerald-green vegetation. 

The rugged coastline is perfect for beach getaways. It features popular spots like Rialto Beach and Ruby Beach. These beaches offer picturesque sandy beaches and dramatic sea stacks.

We are going to see 15-plus things to do in this beautiful park. Come along with us as we explore the mysteries and spectacular experiences of Olympic National Park.

Outdoor Activities

Deer on Hurricane Ridge (photo: Anurag Jain)
Deer on Hurricane Ridge (photo: Anurag Jain)

1. Hiking and Nature Trails

Olympic National Park offers many hiking trails catering to different skill levels and interests. Here are some popular routes worth exploring.

Hurricane Hill Trail

This trail is famous for its panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

Embark on a captivating hike along this scenic trail, where every step reveals breathtaking vistas that proudly display the park’s unparalleled beauty.

Hoh River Trail

The Hoh River Trail is an enchanting route that takes you deep into the heart of the Hoh Rainforest. Along the way, you’ll encounter towering trees and lush greenery. 

Sol Duc Falls Trail

The Sol Duc Falls Trail leads you to the stunning Sol Duc Falls. Here, cascading water plunges into a picturesque…

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