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Plan Cheap Vacations With Priceline Express Deals Flights

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One thing holding back many would-be travelers is the ever-rising cost of travel. While domestic flight prices may be down in 2023, the cost of just about everything else keeps going up! That’s why booking vacations through travel consolidation and third party travel sites is looking more appealing than ever.

Most people are familiar with travel consolidator websites – if you’ve been reading our site, you’ve probably run into reviews of our favorites. These services provide easy flight, car rental, and hotel comparisons, making it easier for you to find the best deals for your travels.

With sites like these, the prices offered can be competitive or noticeably lower than if the consumer deals directly with the travel service provider. Why? Well, much of the difference has to do with volume. If a consolidator can move more transactions, discounts kick in.

One of the most popular consolidator sites is Priceline, known for its Express Deals program, which can save you upwards of 60 percent on flights, hotels, and rental cars. But are these deals legit? Can you really plan cheap vacations with Express Deals?

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What are Priceline Express Deals?

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Priceline / Priceline

Priceline has been one of the industry’s biggest consolidators for years. Priceline first came about by offering a name-your-own price system on airline tickets, hotel rooms, rental cars, and other vacation packages for customers.

Priceline Express Deals on flights, cars, and hotels work similarly to their original “name-your-own-price” system. Express Deals appear in the search results a customer receives when searching for a travel option.

The price and extra savings could reach as much as 60 percent lower than retail flight and hotel rates. However, the consumer has to accept the risk of not knowing specifics, like where the hotel is or when they might be flying.

The other catch is that the discounted flight and hotel bookings are non-refundable. That means money is paid upfront without any ability to change your mind later. It’s not how everyone likes to travel, but for those who do, the savings are pretty enticing.

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How do Priceline Express Deals Work?

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