Travel News

Vehicle Relocations: Save Money on Car, Campervan, and RV Rentals

Vehicle Relocations: Save Money on Car, Campervan, and RV Rentals

When planning a domestic or international trip, one component that adds extra costs is renting a car, campervan, or RV.

The costs associated with renting a vehicle can add up quickly, with fuel, insurance, and daily fees all contributing to the total. You’ll also tend to incur a one-way fee, if you don’t plan on returning to your point of origin.

Fortunately, you can significantly reduce the cost of a rental by exploring vehicle relocations at popular destinations throughout the world.

Vehicle relocations are essentially heavily discounted one-way car, campervan, RV, 4×4, or even freight truck rentals. They’re generally available in popular travel destinations, where tourists might opt to do a one-way car rental and not return to where they picked the vehicle up.

For example, a popular road trip in Canada is to fly into Calgary, drive through the Rocky Mountains, and then finish on the West Coast in Vancouver.

In the busy summer months, an RV rental company may wind up with a glut of RVs in Vancouver, and they need to get them back to Calgary to service one-way bookings beginning there.

Rather than sending an employee out to drive vehicles back to Calgary, which would be costly, many rental companies will offer travellers the opportunity to book vehicle relocations – which are effectively excellent one-way car rental deals – to avoid the costs associated with sending employees to fetch vehicles.

In exchange for driving back to its place of origin, agencies will rent vehicles for between $1–150 per day (depending on the type of vehicle), which is generally a significant discount from the usual price. Occasionally, and usually with larger vehicles, you may even be offered a fuel credit to put against the cost of filling the gas tank.

With a bit of planning and flexibility, vehicle relocations can help you find excellent value and embark on great adventures both at home and abroad.

Vehicle relocations are available throughout the world; however, many deals can be found in Canada, the United States, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.

The number of deals available at any given moment will also depend on the season during which you’re travelling. 

Here’s a breakdown of some popular websites you can use for vehicle relocations, as well as some examples of the opportunities and deals at hand.

Transfercar offers vehicle relocation services in Canada, the United States, Brazil, South Africa, New Zealand, and Australia.

Each country has its own dedicated…

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