Travel News

5 Crazy, Spooky Coincidences We’ve Had While Traveling

A magic, mystical alarm clock hovering over a man's hand

In this post, I wanted to do something a little bit different and share some really strange, serendipitous, spooky feeling coincidences that have happened to us while we’ve been traveling and living abroad.

Not only were they super strange and almost too unlikely to be coincidences, but they also made us feel link the universe was showing us that we were on the right path.

Even though I have a scientific and analytical mind, and tend to prefer proof for everything, I can’t help but feel like sometimes there is a higher power guiding us in the universe and it feels like it’s just up to us to read the signs.

If we miss them, we miss that path in life, but if we acknowledge them, they often lead to something amazing.

5 Spooky Coincidences We’ve Experienced On The Road

Before I lose all the non-believers, let’s get into the article. Here are 5 crazy, spooky, weird synchronicities that have happened to us while we’ve been traveling and living abroad for the past 15 years.

1. The Spooky Alarm Clock

A magic, mystical alarm clock hovering over a man's hand

This one still gives me chills to this day and when we tell our friends about it, we often get the feeling that they don’t actually believe us. But I assure you, this one is totally true.

So we were traveling in Malaysia at the time backpacking around and up until that point, we had been using our little Nokia phone as an alarm clock. 

We almost never took flights on this first trip because we preferred to travel by land, but on this particular day, we had a flight out of KL the next morning early. We needed an alarm clock!

The morning before the flight we set a goal for ourselves to go find an alarm clock before the end of the day so we’d be able to wake up on time for our flight.

Well, as the day went on, we were having a lot of fun and we completely forgot about the alarm clock. 

We finished dinner, and we were walking home down a dark alley at about 9 pm when we stopped at the same time and said “SHIT! We forgot to find an alarm clock.” 

I’m not kidding. Just then, we heard ringing from a garbage bag in this dark alley. We looked at each other like What the fuck…

I still get chills telling this story

We walked over to the garbage bag, peeled it open, and there inside was a red alarm clock ringing.

A spooky alarm clock in a dark alleyA spooky alarm clock in a dark alley

I know. That’s weird. But it gets weirder. Because we had no other choice but to get woken up, we took the…

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