Travel News

5 Luxurious House Sits That Transformed Our Travels

remote work visa countries living in barbados

House sitting changed our lives. Ever since the very first sit we did on the tiny Caribbean Island of Grenada back in 2014, we’ve always been amazed at how luxurious some of these homes are and we still pinch ourselves that we not only stayed for free, but in some cases, were sometimes even paid to house sit.

I really can’t stress enough just how perfect I think house sitting is for people who want to travel more, who want to stop wasting money on expensive accommodation, or those who travel so much that they can’t have a pet in their normal lives.

The latter is us, and over the years we’ve made some amazing friends (both human and animal!) around the world thanks to house sitting.

In this article, I’m going to share the 5 most amazing, luxurious house sits we’ve had all around the world. Keep reading until the end because we’re going to show you how you can land a dream house sit for yourself.

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Our Top 5 Most Luxurious House Sits

Let’s get into this list. While we’ve done many sits around the world, and even had to turn down quite a few, these are some of the most stunning homes we’ve had the opportunity to stay in around the world thanks to house sitting.

1. A Beautiful House in Barbados

remote work visa countries living in barbados

This was the third house sit we landed from our favorite house sitting website, Trusted Housesitters.

The owner of this lovely home in paradise had 2 big golden retrievers named Honey and Hesus and she actually contacted us when she saw our profile on the site.

Hesus & Honey

We had a quick interview with her on Skype, which is a standard part of the procedure before getting hired for any sit, and within a couple of months, we were in Barbados with Hesus and Honey where we’d be living for 6 weeks over Chrismas and New Years!

The owner left us with her car for the entire time and we spent our days driving around the island, laying on beautiful white sand beaches, working at local cafes, and walking Hesus and Honey through sugarcane fields. It was a blast.

2. A Jungle House in Costa Rica

house sitting in costa ricahouse sitting in costa rica

This was a really serendipitous one. We had just started house sitting about a year before this and our good friends knew we were house sitting because we were posting about it on our social media.

They reached out to us and asked us if we wanted to watch their beautiful jungle house and their little puppy, Jack, while they were…

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