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Tfl tube strikes latest: When is the Tube strike and how long does it last

Tfl tube strikes latest: When is the Tube strike and how long does it last


Londoners face “little to no” service on Tube lines as strike action is set to cause severe travel disruption in the capital.

Members of the Rail, Maritime and Transport Union (RMT) are taking industrial action across the network between 5 and 11 January.

Transport for London (TfL) has advised customers who must travel to consider alternative routes from Sunday, when the worst of the disruption begins.

Glynn Barton, TfL’s chief operating officer, said he was disappointed the RMT had refused a 5% wage increase offer.

He said: “We have been clear throughout our productive discussions with our trade unions that this offer is the most we can afford while ensuring that we can operate safely, reliably and sustainably.”

RMT general secretary Mick Lynch said Tube workers were not going to accept poor offers and the “continual undermining of conditions”.

He added: “The refusal of TfL to restore staff travel facilities and create a two-tier workforce is also unacceptable.”


10,000 RMT workers to walkout over the next week

London Underground workers are taking strike action, over pay, grading structures and travel facilities, the RMT has said.

Control staff will strike on Sunday for 24 hours and from Monday to Wednesday nearly 10,000 RMT members will strike across the Tube.

An RMT spokesperson said: “TfL has failed to avert this strike by not offering a deal that was acceptable to our members on London Underground.

“We do not take strike action lightly but we are determined to get a negotiated settlement on pay, travel facilities and a grading structure that means our members will not lose out.”

Union man: Mick Lynch, general secretary of the RMT, in his office at the union’s HQ

(Simon Calder)

Barney Davis7 January 2024 14:00


RMT demanding a ‘modest pay rise’ after rejecting 5% increase

The National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) has urged people to join them on the picket line at Kings Cross on Monday morning as travel chaos is expected.

The walkout comes after last-ditch talks failed over a pay increase.

Glynn Barton, TfL’s chief operating officer, said he was disappointed the RMT had refused a 5% wage increase offer.

Barney Davis7 January 2024 13:51


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