Travel News

How To Craft A Personal Wellness Break

person lying on duck beach

Sponsored by Allianz Travel

As the world whirls on with its relentless pace, it’s easy to get caught up in the frenzy of daily life, especially for overworked and exhausted moms.

Amidst the chaos of juggling responsibilities, deadlines, and endless to-do lists, the need for a solo break becomes not just a luxury but a necessity for maintaining sanity and well-being.

If you’ve found yourself in the whirlwind of stress and exhaustion, craving a respite from the demands of daily life, perhaps it’s time to craft your own personal wellness break.

Topsy Turvy Life

In this post, I’ll share tips for crafting your own wellness break and insights into my own personal solo retreat last month in Duck, North Carolina. 

(Psst: Mother’s Day is coming. A wellness break for the much-loved mother in your life is the most perfect gift! Drop those hints moms, you deserve it.)

The Healing Bridge of a Solo Retreat

woman walking on duck boardwalk
Duck Boardwalk

It was a rough start for 2024 for me that began with the sudden death of our 18-month-old cat.

Ivy was my daily shadow who filled my heart with a special kind of love. Her death broke me wide open so the years of hidden grief, regret, disappointment, and shame could rise to the surface and finally get the chance to heal.

What followed were months filled with tears and an overwhelming array of stressors, from financial pressures to parenting challenges and health concerns. I felt like an ant desperately trying to avoid the stomping of the giant feet all around me. 

After a shocking diagnosis of severe depression (so those daily tears and difficulty to do anything wasn’t just because of Ivy?) I got to work employing many strategies to help me – one of those included taking a solo wellness break.

Just a few days to escape the overwhelming pressure I felt trying to make it through another day solving problems that felt way too out of my control.

overlooking duck beach
Duck Beach

Circumstances aligned with a wellness travel campaign with our long-term partner, Allianz Travel Insurance, so I drove to the Outer Banks, one of my favorite places in North Carolina, for a three day break.

While it didn’t solve my problems, it gave me a space I needed to recenter, refresh, reconsider, and realign with what’s most important to me.

Now I feel more able to move more into my word for the year: EXPANSION.

Ironic, I know, but to expand you must first contract. This getaway was the healing bridge back into expansion.

Tips for Crafting your own Wellness Break

woman on pier in front of sunset in duck nc


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