Travel News

Canary Islands holiday: This resort is the ultimate getaway for active families

Simon Calder’s Travel

It’s 21 degrees, the bottom of the Olympic-sized pool is pristine blue, gloriously clean and I have the entire lane to myself. When I take a break I can hear the Atlantic Ocean in the background and as I swim I catch glimpses of the odd palm leaf against the blue sky.

There is nobody ruining my flow by swimming at a different pace, tapping at my feet or doggedly swimming breaststroke in the fast lane – I am able to swim truly in peace. I’m at Club La Santa in Lanzarote, just a four-hour flight from the UK and in the same time zone, which means no jet lag for me or my wife, and no needing to navigate it with our toddler.

After my swim, I speak to an older German man, who tells me he has been coming to Club La Santa since 1987. He always swims in this pool, he says this with real pride – Club La Santa is an institution, and he feels ownership of it. ‘His’ swimming spot is the 50m north pool, part of the original development. Since then the resort, which opened in 1983, has added a further two more 50m outdoor pools complete with a grandstand.

The north pool and surrounded by palms with the ocean in the background
The north pool and surrounded by palms with the ocean in the background (Club La Santa)

The newer south pool wouldn’t look amiss as part of an Olympic Village; it is seriously smart, clean and sun-drenched. Thanks to the app that all guests use, it is possible to book a lane to yourself at your preferred training time throughout the day. For someone used to battling it out at a busy London lido, this alone is worth the trip.

The day we arrive the resort is hosting the annual Canary Islands Ironman, and it is awash with competitors and staff buzzing from the event. Club La Santa is somewhat of a beacon for triathletes, and throughout our stay we clock several people wearing merch proclaiming them an Ironman ‘finisher’.

Read more on Spain travel:

Beyond the pool complex is the lagoon, for open-water swimming, stand-up paddleboarding and windsurfing
Beyond the pool complex is the lagoon, for open-water swimming, stand-up paddleboarding and windsurfing (Club La Santa)

The resort markets itself as having globally unrivalled sports facilities to welcome active families and people of all ages, as well as amateur athletes, elite professionals, clubs and teams. And they flock here in their thousands, rebooking year in, year out. And while it may sound intimidating to find yourself in the gym next to a sports pro, the vibe at La Santa feels totally inclusive, unpretentious and in no way…

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