Travel News

Smart Shopping for Vapes: Tips and Advice for Travel Enthusiasts

travel vape

So it’s finally time for that vacation you have been patiently waiting for for so long. You can down tools, pack up a suitcase, and jump on the plane to warmer climes, more conducive to rest, relaxation, and general recuperation. But what is one to do when one is an avid vaper and is unsure how to continue one’s hobby while abroad? Well, this post is here for you. We will cover a few ways in which you can keep your nicotine levels at the level you need to function without fretting about where your next refill will come from. With these tips, you can travel anywhere knowing you’re fully prepared for whatever might come your way.

Stock Up On Your Favorite Flavors Before You Head Off

Let’s be honest here: if you have been vaping for some time, you have likely gone through a range of flavors until you have ended up on one that you enjoy and perhaps use all the time. The only issue is that it is a little more unique than you may have considered. When you’re traveling to foreign lands, you can’t always be sure that vape shops in that nation will offer up those flavors you have become so attached to. Therefore, it makes sense to stock up (within reason, obviously) with your faves so that there are no unhappy surprises when you touch down. This means that if you particularly enjoy the flavorful lost Mary vape liquid, it could be worthwhile. In some cases, this might not be entirely plausible due to airline restrictions (which we will cover in the next point), but when possible, having a stash in your check-in luggage will make things much more accessible and mean you won’t need to think as much about finding a place to buy it and can focus on your holiday.

Research Airline Vaping Regulations Beforehand

It is imperative that you understand the rules and regulations as stipulated by the airline you are traveling with so you can avoid any unnecessary delays or possible fines. But there is another factor you must bear in mind, which is all subsequent flights you may take during your trip. For example, it’s one thing to know the rules for Delta or whoever you’re flying with to the destination country, but you could find that local domestic airlines have dramatically differing rules that could prohibit vapes entirely. Don’t assume that every nation shares your rules and laws, and take the time to research in advance…the more you know before you head off, the less stress you’ll face when…

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