Travel News

Visiting Mount Etna | Everything You Need To Know Before the Hike — ALONG DUSTY ROADS

Visiting Mount Etna | Everything You Need To Know Before the Hike — ALONG DUSTY ROADS

What to pack for Your Mount Etna Day Trip

As we had recently finished a week long road trip in the Dolomites, we were in the unusual position of visiting Sicily with a varied selection of hiking gear.

This will absolutely not be the case for most visitors, and it’s perfectly logical to visit a Mediterranean island in the middle of summer without a North Face fleece, hiking boots, or waterproof trousers (obviously).

That being said, there are a few items that will making attempting Etna that little more enjoyable. Some of them will be available from your tour company, some are available to rent at Etna, and some will already be in your suitcase!

Hiking Boots | The ground that you walk upon in Etna is steep, rough, gravelly, uneven and dangerous without suitable footwear. If you’re super careful and not planning to hike to the summit (or go off trail), you can probably get away with a sturdy trainer, but otherwise we’d highly recommend a hiking boot. Don’t worry if you’re not travelling with your own boots, as most tour companies will supply them to their groups in the tour price. These are the ones that Andrew uses, and these are Emily’s.

If you are visiting Etna without a tour company, you can also rent hiking boots at the Mountain Hut. Remember to bring a decent pair of socks to wear with your own or the rented boots!

A Hat | If it’s a clear day, remember that you’re pretty high up and so fairly exposed to the elements; a hat (wide-brimmed or cap) will keep your face out of the sun, and the sun out of your eyes. In the cooler months, we’d highly recommend a beanie hat for extra warmth.

Sunscreen | See above. It’s so easy to burn in Sicily if you’re not careful, but throw in altitude and you gotta protect yourself even more.

Shorts / Leggings | Both of us opted for hiking shorts, but we did get a little chilly at the top and start fantasising about having our outdoorsy-leggings on. Either will do in the summer as long as they’re designed to be active in, but for all other times of the year it’s best to wear trousers.

Layers | We started the hike in vests, but by the end each had on a little fleece and another t-shirt. Hiking at altitude is always so much colder than you realise (even in Sicily!), so be sure to pack plenty of layers. Seriously, more than you think you’ll need.

Windproof / Waterproof Jacket | We both had a North Face windproof jacket for our travels during this summer (Emily’s and Andrew’s). Super, super light,…

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