Travel News

20 Unique Things To Do In Japan

Wedded Rocks in Ise

There is no doubt that Japan is one of the most unique and diverse countries in the world.

You can explore centuries-old traditions still performed today, as well as witness the country’s high-tech, innovative side – with technology by far surpassing anywhere else on the planet.

Japan can be an overwhelming country to visit, since English is not widely spoken outside the major cities, and everything is so diverse and different from anywhere else on the planet, you may feel like you’ve entered a new world entirely.

But that’s what makes Japan unique. It is different, and it’s to be celebrated.

If you want to experience the diversity and uniqueness of Japan, here are some unique things to do in Japan that show you the authentic and traditional side of The Land of the Rising Sun

Unique Things to Do in Japan

1. Visit the Shinto Shrine of Meoto Iwa

Wedded Rocks in Ise

The unique blend of Buddhism with ancient Shinto beliefs is one of the things that make religion and culture in Japan so deeply interesting.

A huge percentage of Japanese people still frequent spiritual sites all over the country on a regular basis, thus showing the importance of traditional beliefs in today’s Japanese society.

You’ll find beautiful Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines all across Japan, tucked away between skyscrapers and car dealerships, hidden on mountain-tops and sometimes right under your very nose.

However, the most awe-inspiring and one of the most sacred Shinto sites in all of Japan is the Meoto Iwa.

These spectacular “wedded rocks” rise majestically from the waves just off the coast of Ise, wedded by a sacred rope made of rice straw. They are part of the Futami Okitama Shrine.

Shinto is the name for the indigenous spiritual beliefs of Japan, of which a large part is the worship of spirits inherent in natural forces such as rivers, trees and you guessed it, rocks.

Ise, located in Mie prefecture and easily reached by train from anywhere in Japan, is also home to the Ise Grand Shrine and part of the Ise-Shima National Park.

Take a visit to this sacred place and you’ll discover much about the magic of Japan and its people.

2. Spend A Night Reading Manga in a Manga-kissa

lose up on bronze statues wet by rain depicting the manga character Sazae-san on right and her creator the mangaka Machiko Hasegawa in the Sazaesan Street of Kyushu.
Manga characters

Japanese culture is characterized around the world by its unique blend of old and new.

The age-old traditions and customs are sharply juxtaposed by ultra-modern cyber culture and the pinnacle of technology, and so that’s where we journey next, to the big city…

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