Travel News

Atlas & Boots’ top 100 travel experiences – ranked

A photograph of a gentoo penguin in Antarctica

Kia and Peter rank their top 100 travel experiences, hand-picked from over 100 countries, seven continents and thousands of places of interest

This week, it will be exactly 10 years since we packed up everything we owned, put it in storage and went off on a year-long journey around the world. It started on 11th August 2014 with a 36-hour journey from London, through Singapore and Brisbane, to our final destination of Vanuatu.

From there, we traced an epic route through Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, New Zealand, French Polynesia, the Cook Islands and Hawaii before hitting terra firma in South America. In the decade since, we have visited many more countries, all seven continents, the seven world wonders and thousands of places of interest (POIs).

To mark 10 years of Atlas & Boots, we share below our top 100 travel experiences, from the Great White Continent to drizzly Glen Coe.

Top 100 travel experiences: map

Our top 100 travel experiences are plotted on the map below. Click a number to learn more about a POI or expand the entire list using the icon in the top-left corner of the map. You may also view the complete ranking as a list below.

The top 10 in more detail

1. Antarctica

Our small-ship expedition to Antarctica is without a doubt our number one travel experience. It’s difficult to pick out one single experience, but among the best were crossing the Antarctic Circle, making landfall on the continent among a colony of Gentoo penguins, exploring the pristine Paradise Bay, navigating through stunning pack ice and colossal icebergs, observing penguin chicks on Barrientos Island and watching a baby humpback whale sleep off the bow of the ship.

A photograph of a gentoo penguin in Antarctica
Atlas & Boots Gentoo penguins in Antarctica

There was one moment in particular that sticks in our minds. We were invited to a champagne toast to celebrate crossing the Antarctic Circle at at 66°33′ south of the equator. At one point, Kia had to switch her glass from one hand to the other because, as she put it, “Eek, my champagne is getting colder!” For a working-class kid from Tower Hamlets and a boy from Norfolk, that moment felt absurd.

Read more: Antarctica: why my seventh continent was more than just an ego trip

2. Northern Lights in Tromso, Norway

In 2010, we had a failed outing in Iceland to see the Northern Lights. Kia struggles with the cold, so waiting in the freezing darkness with a coachload of strangers was not her idea of fun.

chasing the northern lights in tromso lead image 20chasing the northern lights in tromso lead image 20
Atlas & Boots

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