Travel News

Spanish Tourist Office claim overtourism protests have been ‘heavily inflated’ by UK media

Simon Calder’s Travel

A Spanish tourism authority has disputed claims that anti-tourist protests in the country are “dangerous”, and insists that there is “no threat or danger” to Brits holidaying in Spain.

Earlier this month, holiday rental companies in Palma reported that tourists from the UK are cancelling their summer breaks to Mallorca in light of negative media coverage of demonstrations in Barcelona, Mallorca and Menorca.

Protesters in their thousands have marched through streets in Palma de Mallorca holding anti-tourist signs and in July Barcelona residents squirted diners in tourist areas with water during a protest against mass tourism.

However, the Spanish Tourist Office told The Independent that tourism arrivals to Spain this summer “so far have not been impacted” and called for the British media to have a “sense of perspective”.

“These protests have been largely isolated, peaceful, and self-contained. There are important issues generated from the problems associated with overtourism that need attention, such as affordable housing and the environment but looking specifically at the recent protests that have been widely covered by the British media, we do need to have a sense of perspective and proportion,” said the Spanish tourism authority.

The office added that the “amount and size” of the overtourism protests had been “heavily inflated by the UK media” and said there is often “a political agenda at play”.

According to the Spanish Tourist Office, the protestors are appealing for change based on “policy and macro issues”.

Their statement said: “We do have to stress that in most instances, negative feelings and protests are not directed towards tourists themselves but more towards policy and macro issues which impact people’s livelihoods such as access to housing and the cost-of-living crisis.

“We support the right to peaceful protest, but we would also like to reassure visitors that these protests have not posed any threat or danger to tourists. Travel to Spain is safe, and visitors continue to be welcomed with the same level of hospitality that our country is known for.”

Pepe Pont, CEO of Alquilair, a holiday rental company in Palma, said that the recent ant-tourism protests have “understandably increased anxiety among tourists and local operators”.

Mr Pont said Alquilair has observed a cancellation…

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