Travel News

4 Things to Get You Approved! (2024)

4 Things to Get You Approved! (2024)

I am no stranger to visa applications. I perfectly know the struggle of applying for visas because I have to do it almost every time I fly out of my home country — it’s one of the many woes of being born in a third world country with a powerless third world passport. (Visa Application Tips)

For instance, application processes and interviews would always be especially rigorous for us not only due to the ‘poor’ standing of our nation but also because of the unfortunate records that others have set before us. However, in spite of all the horror stories that you may have heard, seen, or read, getting a visa is still and absolutely achievable. Take it from me, a 3rd-world national who was able to travel to over 60 countries and ALL the 7 continents despite all the odds and hassles of applying for visas!

Sure it’s tough, yes, but impossible? Not at all. So hopefully, with this article, I’ll be able to impart with you my top visa application tips.

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT guarantee that the pointers in this post will get you approved 100% when youre applying for a visa. In fact, NO ONE can give you a 100% guarantee; not even a lawyer, a consultant, a travel agent, or an embassy employee. Anyone who says otherwise is most likely going to be a scammer.


Take note as well that even if you have a friend who has the same income as you do and who has acquired a visa that you are also applying for, that wouldn’t instantly mean that you will get the visa too. This is because every consulate considers a LOT of varying factors. Hence, the situation of your friend or any other person will not always be the same as yours.

Without the aforementioned guarantee, what then can I give you in this article? Helpful tips to increase your chances of getting that approval.

The way I see it, applying for a visa is like dating — you lay out everything and put your best foot forward, hoping that by the end of it all, the answer will be a resounding YES from the other party. So in this situation, I would be your proficient and supportive best friend who will help guide you on this ordeal with a ton of visa application tips.

These are not only from the numerous visa experiences that I’ve had but as well as the lessons that I’ve learned from friends and research.

So without further ado, here are my top visa application tips with the top 4 things that consulates or embassies usually put strict attention to! (For each of these sections, I will also provide…

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