Travel News

Lonely Planet staff September travel

Max in Sicily

While autumn settles in, the LP team has been savoring the last glimpses of summer with various adventures across beautiful destinations. From cruising through the Swiss Alps in a rented campervan to stargazing under the Milky Way in the Bahamas, our map is now sprinkled with new pins.

Max, with his knack for finding the coolest wine bars wherever he goes, uncovered a perfect sundowner spot in Sicily that I’m definitely bookmarking for next year. Rachel, who curates our Instagram and Pinterest accounts, spent time in Portland, Maine, with her wife, exploring the kind of cafes and independent boutiques that perfectly capture her eye for aesthetics.

Let’s dive into our recent travels and discoveries.

Max spent just over a week in Sicily visiting its cities and beaches. Max Felderman for Lonely Planet

Sicily, Italy

Max Felderman, Sales & Marketing Manager, Trade

I spent just over a week on the northern coast of Sicily, bopping between different beaches (some off the beaten path, some more accessible and luxe) and visiting a bunch of different cities. My visit coincided with Ferragosto, an Italian summer holiday where nearly everyone heads to the beach to celebrate, so the mood was festive and relaxed the entire time we were there.

Max’s top picks

1. Best beach: My favorite was in Riserva Naturale dello Zingaro, one of Sicily’s most famous natural parks. The beach was about a 45-minute hike from the entrance in brutal heat, but it was well worth it!

2. Can’t miss: A visit to Cefalù. Stop at Enoteca Le Petit Tonneau and have a glass of wine overlooking the beach where the second season of White Lotus was filmed.

3. Top meal: Dinner at Abbazia Santa Anastasia, a gorgeous winery in the mountains near Castelbuono.

Max’s tip: Don’t skip Catania, a fantastic city that’s a bit more gritty and welcoming than Palermo. We spent a night at Palazzo Marletta, a wonderful hotel in the city center.

Aoife hiking in Switzerland.jpg
Aoife and friends road-tripped through the Swiss Alps where they swam in Lake Oescheinensee (left) and hiked Jungfraujoch (right). Aoife Breslin for Lonely Planet

Swiss Alps, Switzerland

Aoife Breslin, Publicity & Marketing Coordinator

I spent a week in the Swiss Alps with friends, where we rented a campervan and went on a little road trip. We visited Zurich, Lucerne, Interlaken, Grindelwald and Bern. As a traveler who finds joy in nature’s raw beauty, spending the day sunbathing, swimming, and picnicking by the lakeside was nothing short of perfection. My Irish bones are well-equipped…

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