Travel News

A guide to solo female travel in Iraq

female travel in Iraq

Want to travel with Against the Compass to Federal Iraq?
Then join our upcoming EXPEDITION
When? November 12th to 20th

As an American millennial woman, my visions of Federal Iraq were filled with destruction and barren wasteland deserts.

The violent scenes that filled the TV screens for much of my childhood. Aside from the snow-capped mountains of Iraqi Kurdistan, a nearly separate nation in the country’s far north, I figured I probably would not get the opportunity to see Iraq in my lifetime.

But low and behold, in 2021, Federal Iraq opened its borders to tourists from the US, Canada, and most of Europe. So I went.

Traveling in Iraq as a woman isn’t easy. Heck, traveling Federal Iraq in general, isn’t easy. But with a little guidance, it’s perfectly possible. That does not mean Federal Iraq is a good destination for everyone.

Iraq is still raw. A country without a solid backbone of tourist infrastructure to lean on. You’ll have to be a little adventurous and a lot flexible to enjoy the experiences offered. A willingness to “rough it” is preferred.

This guide is based on my first-hand experiences visiting Federal Iraq. It’s meant to help prepare solo female travelers and men too.

I can’t tell you the number of times I was given very poor, but well-meaning advice, by male travelers who had spent a significant amount of time in Iraq. They don’t often notice the norms a woman has to follow. This guide can also help foreign men understand how to better interact with local women.

I loved Iraq. The mosques, ancient history, and adventure are unmatched. But rose-colored glasses help no one. All advice below is simply my honest opinion of solo female travel in Federal Iraq.

This is a guest post written by Geena Truman, A full-time traveler, blogger, and freelance writer with a passion for adventure travel. She loves visiting misunderstood destinations and uncovering hidden gems in well-traveled places. Whether it’s trekking to see exotic wildlife, searching out the best street food in Asia, or traveling the US in her DIY converted 1994 campervan, she’s always searching for new adventures. You can follow her journey on Instagram.  

In this solo female travel guide to Iraq you will find:

Is previous travel experience required?
Is it Safe For Women?
What it’s Like Traveling in Iraq as a Woman
Safety + Cultural Tips for Women in Iraq
What to Wear
Getting Around Iraq…

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