Travel News

6 Simple Tips on How NOT to Get Lost while Traveling

Train Ride and Overland Adventure in Uzbekistan3

Since I was little, I think I have this ability to get lost and getting back home safely. I don’t know how I did it but it just happened and still happens all the time. Of course, when I was a kid, I had little worries because I was carefree.

As I grew up, anxieties about traveling have grown as well. So, I thought of sharing these six simple tips that could help the lost ones return to their home in no time.

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1. Always Plan Ahead

6 Simple Tips on How NOT to Get Lost while Traveling
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

It should be an SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) when you travel no matter how near or far your destination would be. Planning ahead can save you time and enjoy your travel longer. It can also save you from getting lost on the road. How to do this? You can simply research travel blogs, travel websites, or even read books about the place you’re going to. Use the worldwide web optimally!

2. Bring Maps, GPS Devices, Etc.

6 Simple Tips on How NOT to Get Lost while Traveling
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

When I travel, I always screenshot the “how to get there” part of a blog I’ve researched. It’s just like bringing a map at the palm of your hands. Some people would consider maps to be outdated; nevertheless, it’s one of the most useful tools while traveling. GPS devices are limited, and if you are a DIY and shoestring-budget traveler (like me), these would not be on top of your options. You can choose any of these as your guide as long as it’s convenient for you.

3. Ask for Directions

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This never gets old. Asking people for directions is one of the most convenient things to do when you’re lost. And the best people to ask are the locals because they know the place very well. They could even tell you the shortcuts and the best spots in town! Bumping to other travelers is inevitable. Use the situation to ask for directions and make new friends as well. Who knows? You might have an instant travel buddy along the way! They might also share their discoveries with you. Make sure to be polite when asking for directions and use your charm if necessary. *wink* Also, it is okay to have little trust issues. Pick the right person to ask.

4. Be a Keen Observer

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Most travelers should possess this kind of trait. Observe your surroundings carefully not only for security reasons but also for navigation. When I travel to unfamiliar places, I read all the signs there could ever be just to know where I am. If you’re traveling to a city, I suggest you check for banks because they state their branch…

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