Travel News

TikTok user goes viral with tip for travelling the world for free

TikTok user goes viral with tip for travelling the world for free

A British travel vlogger has gone viral with a post in which she reveals her secret to travelling the world for free.

Elie Stallard, who vlogs under the handle @travelswithels, last week shared her hack for free travel with her nearly 11,000 followers.

“One of the most common questions I get asked is, how can I afford to travel,” she says in the post. “So I’m going to show you how you can travel for free.”

It turns out to be pretty simple: just download the Worldpacker app and browse through volunteer experiences in over 140 countries around the globe.

“How it works is that you volunteer some of your time a day and they give you free food and free accommodation in return,” Ms Stallard explains in her post, which has been viewed more than 480,000 times and attracted over 56,000 likes since she posted it three days ago.

Ms Stallard uses an experience at a surf camp in Asturias, Spain as an example of what you can get and what you might be expected to offer in return with experiences arranged through the app.

In that particular case, it was help with marketing in exchange for a bed in a dormitory, free breakfast and discounted drinks, among other perks.

Other experiences available on the Worldpacker app range from child care to party promotion and from social media management to gardening, with Worldpacker providing emergency insurance to members in the event of an experience not turning out as agreed in advance.

At the end of the post, Ms Stallard reveals that the next day she will be travelling to Guatemala to take part in a Worldpacker experience working on a yacht.

It follows another social media user’s top tip on snagging complimentary travel experiences.

Money-saving vlogger Jen, aka @SmartyPantsFinance, says she gets to stay in luxe crashpads and dine out in lavish restaurants on her holidays – all due to one nifty trick.

“I have been hotel mystery shopping around the world and across the United States since 2004,” she revealed in a recent video.

Mystery shoppers are under-cover customers sent by retailers, market research and consumer watchdogs to experience the customer service of a brand – for example, a hotel or airline – and report back.

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