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Customer spotlight: Mambu on running a responsible business

Customer spotlight: Mambu on running a responsible business

Corporate sustainability is a discipline with a long history – it’s one that reminds us of our responsibility to maintain our social license to operate, and prompts innovation and creativity in how we turn business into a force for good to solve some of today’s sustainability challenges. It’s a fascinating topic to be busy with and we’re doing our best to contribute to sustainability outcomes we all want to see for ourselves.

Anna Kratova – Director, Sustainability at Mambu

The world of work is changing in more ways than one. Sustainability represents one of the most significant challenges and opportunities of our time, and businesses hold in their hands the power to affect positive change through what they do – and how they do it. 

At TravelPerk, we’re lucky to work with thousands of incredible companies around the world. Many of them are making strides towards building a sustainable future through their business models, values, practices, and daily activities. We caught up with Mambu – a SaaS cloud banking provider helping banks transition to a digital core – to learn more about how they are integrating sustainability into their business and why that works for them.

A spotlight on Mambu

Mambu was founded in 2011 by Frederik Pfisterer, Eugene Danilkis, and Sofia Nunes who initially developed a technical infrastructure for microfinanciers in Africa. During a university assignment on micro-lending and after contacting banks in emerging African countries, the founders realized that the operating systems banks were using were outdated, non-existent, or too complex for micro loans, which was impairing financial inclusion. They decided to bring banking to places where it wasn’t available through traditional means, and what started out as a university project grew into a company mission that lays the foundation for everything the business does today. 

Fast-forward to today, and Mambu is a unicorn company bringing better banking experiences to millions of people. By providing a modern cloud banking platform, Mambu empowers banks and other financial institutions to build banking products and services that improve people’s financial lives.
Mambu also sits at the intersection of digital technology, innovation, and the financial sector.

By building on its extensive partner ecosystem and technical capabilities within it, Mambu can help develop bespoke sustainable finance products to help banks better understand what…

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