Travel News

How To Hitch A Ride Around The World

Sailboat hitchhiking is an amazing way to travel around the world and explore some incredible places.

Sailboat hitchhiking can be a unique and rewarding way to travel the world. Close your eyes and imagine the open sea, the wind powering up the sails, dolphins playing in the bow waves, and the most incredible sunsets.

When looking for an experience of a lifetime, this has got to be up there with the most adventurous. Moreover, as you’re about to find out, it isn’t as hard to make it happen as you might think.

Guest post by Emily Nancolas from Two Get Lost

What is sailboat hitchhiking?

Sailboat hitchhiking is similar to hitching a ride in a car. 

It’s a way to travel the oceans without actually owning a boat of your own. It’s also one of the most environmentally friendly ways to get around.

However, there are a few differences between hitchhiking on land and at sea. Although you might get lucky and find a sailor willing to take you from A to B for free, it’s far more likely that you’ll be contributing to the journey in some way.  

Sometimes skippers are looking for financial contributions and sometimes they need help sailing the boat. Other skippers will be happy with a skill share arrangement, but in any case, you’ll need to be prepared to bring something to the table.

It isn’t quite as simple as standing on the side of a pontoon and sticking your thumb out. You’re going to need to put in a little more legwork to find a ride on a sailboat. Let’s dive into how to successfully hitchhike on a sailboat below!

Finding a ride on a sailboat

So how do you go about finding a sailboat to take you around the world? Luckily, the internet has made this task a whole lot easier. Gone are the days when you would have to camp out for days on end near a marina and walk around the pontoons begging for a lift (although if you have time on your hands this is still an option). These days, all you need is a little know-how and a decent WiFi connection.

There are a whole lot of websites out there that connect crew seekers and sailboat owners. Most of them require you to complete a short bio detailing any skills and requirements. Then, you’re free to search through the ‘adverts’ from skippers looking for people to help them out, and people can contact you back with offers.

This isn’t an exhaustive list of all the websites out there connecting skippers and crew. However, these are the most popular and therefore the ones that see the highest traffic (and offer the best chances of finding a lift!).


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