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How to stay healthy during a heat wave: Tips to prevent dehydration, heat exhaustion or heatstroke – Earth’s Attractions

How to stay healthy during a heat wave: Tips to prevent dehydration, heat exhaustion or heatstroke

Summer is a wonderful season, but it can come with heat waves which are not something to look forward to. As someone who’s going through the European heatwave right now (over 40 degrees Celsius), I’m going to share with you my best tips on how to stay healthy during a heatwave.

Discover what to do to prevent dehydration during a heatwave, and useful tips to avoid heat exhaustion or heat stroke during the summer.

These tips for extreme heat safety are easy to follow and they will help you if you’re travelling while going through a heatwave or if you’re at home.

Heat waves can be very dangerous so here are some tips to help you stay cool during hot weather. As you’ll see, they are useful even during hot summer days, when the thermal comfort goes beyond the comfort zone.

Drink water – Stay hydrated

The first step to avoid dehydration and heat exhaustion is to drink plenty of water.

Try to drink water on a constant basis, as during a heatwave the body does its best to regulate its temperature, and thus more sweating is involved.

You can also use some water with minerals and vitamins or some tablets that add that to your water.

I admit that I’m not doing great on very hot summer days (I’m not good with heat, so even at 33-35 degrees C it’s too hot for me), so during the heatwave, it is even worse.

If I’m at home and mow the lawn, for instance, that adds more pressure and it’s a physical effort, so I add some tablets with vitamins and minerals that allow my body to hydrate better.

Reduce your coffee/caffeine consumption

I know that there are doctors who recommend cutting out completely coffee during heat waves, but I like my morning coffee.

As I mentioned, the heat is not my friend, so what I do is I get my morning coffee, but I don’t drink another one during the day.

So the next piece of advice on this list of tips to prevent dehydration and heatstrokes, it’s the only drink coffee in the morning.

Do not drink any sodas/energising drinks (with caffeine) during the day.

Don’t drink alcohol

Consuming alcohol during a heatwave is not a very good idea, so try to avoid it.

For me, it’s easy, as I rarely drink alcohol.

If you like it more than I do, then at least try to avoid consuming it during the day, and only drink a moderate amount of alcohol in the evening.

Avoid getting outdoors – or alternate with some cold areas

Specialists recommend avoiding going outside between 11 a.m. and 3 or even 5 p.m.

While it’s best to…

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