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Bonfire vs Campfire: Differences Explained – RVBlogger

Bonfire vs. Campfire: What’s the Difference

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The line between a bonfire vs. a campfire can be fuzzy, depending on who you ask. No one’s going to grab a yardstick to measure the flames. Yet as drought conditions continue in the U.S., that primal need for “big fire” needs to be tempered with higher reasoning. Besides, roasting marshmallows from 3 feet away due to the intense heat is overdoing it.

Join our “campfire discussion” as we discuss the differences between a bonfire vs. a campfire. We’ll also show you some great fire building tips and tricks for your campfire on your RV vacation.

Bonfire vs Campfire: What’s the Difference?

You might enjoy roasting marshmallows on your campfire.

The main difference between a bonfire vs. a campfire is the size of the fire. When you consider a bonfire vs. a campfire, you can also note that a bonfire is usually created for a large group of people.

Because of the size and intensity of the fire, you can observe it but not get very close. Bonfires aren’t generally contained in a fire pit but are built and burned on the ground.

A campfire is usually small and built for a small group of people. Many use them for a peaceful time cooking s’mores, hotdogs, or other items that can be cooked over the flames or in the coals. A campfire can also be used for keeping warm on a cool evening while enjoying the quiet of the woods or beach.

About Bonfires

About Bonfires vs. Campfires

In French, the word bon means “good,” so some believe that’s where the word is derived. Others believe the word comes from “bone-fire.” In the time of the Celts, there were midsummer festivals where animal bones were burnt to ward off evil spirits.

However the word was derived, I believe it takes some experience to build a good bonfire and to keep it safe. A bonfire that’s managed incorrectly can get out of hand quickly. Before you start your bonfire, dig a shallow pit and remove any nearby flammable materials such as twigs or dry grass.

5 Tips on How and Where to Build a Bonfire

How and Where to Build a Bonfire vs. Campfire
Place stones or bricks around the area where you plan to build your campfire.

1. Find an Open Space for Your Bonfire

Typically, you need to find an open space to start your fire. Make sure your fire space is at least three times as wide as the intended…

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