Travel News

20 of The Coolest Things to Do in Antarctica (White Continent)

20 of The Coolest Things to Do in Antarctica (White Continent)

A trip to Antarctica is undoubtedly the journey of a lifetime for most travelers — after all, it’s a remote grandeur that is unmatched when it comes to natural vistas and pristine wilderness! But unlike what most people think, a trip to this southerly part of the world is NOT just all about cruising because through responsible IAATO-approved expedition providers, there is a gradual increase of exciting and unique things to do in Antarctica that are a fit for just about anyone.

I had the amazing chance to visit Antarctica with Hurtigruten last December and it was absolutely the most awe-inspiring adventure that I have ever done in my life. Up to this day, I still can’t shake off the wonderful encounters and memories that I’ve made!

So if I’ve managed to pique your interest, below are just some of the most epic experiences that you can do when you’re in the ‘White Continent’ — with or without a cruise expedition ship. Plus, depending on your interest (may it be mild or extreme) there is surely enough for you to do here!

NOTE: Wanna know when is the best time to visit Antarctica? Read here for a complete list of FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).

Things to Do in Antarctica

1. Get close to Antarctic animals

This is certainly one of the experiences that everyone aims to do when they get to set foot in Antarctica!

First and foremost, the penguins: there are 7 adorable penguin species that you can find in and around the continent, and I assure you, you will see them no matter the time or month that you come. Also, in order to not stress these incredible creatures, everyone is advised to keep a 5-meter distance but I guarantee you: given how curious the penguins are, there will be so many instances wherein they will voluntarily walk up to you!

Other superb Antarctic animals that you can get up close to are whales and seals.

During my adventure with Hurtigruten, I managed to see a big pod of finback whales aside from a couple of orcas and humpbacks. If you’re lucky, you can even witness more of them! Meanwhile, seals number a lot, especially in South Georgia and there are 5 types in total which you will likely find in an expedition: crabeater, fur, elephant, leopard, and weddell.

READ: Antarctic Animals: Types of Wildlife to Spot During an Antarctica Cruise

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2. Witness almost a million penguins!

I suggest (or I insist) that you choose an Antarctic cruise…

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