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The best time to visit the Cotswolds

High Street at night during light snowfall, Broadway, Gloucestershire, the Cotswolds, England, United Kingdom

With its pretty villages of honey-colored stone cottages, rolling hills laced with quiet rivers and historic pubs that serve modern takes on traditional food, the Cotswolds is quintessential England. But when should you visit?

As one of the most beautiful parts of the country, the typical peak season of summer draws crowds to the narrow lanes of the Cotswolds’ quiet villages – but the area is so charming that there’s something to discover at any time of the year.

Here’s our season-by-season, month-by-month guide for planning when to visit the Cotswolds.

June to August is best for long summer days

This is peak season in the Cotswolds. Between June and August, the calendar is packed with events and school holidays, and you can expect busy roads, brimming restaurants, premium-priced hotels and bustling shops. If this is the only time period that works for you, though, all the summer events make a visit here still well worth it. 

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September and October are best for autumn colors – and the best months to visit the Cotswolds

Wedged between the heat of summer and the festivities (and crowds) of Christmas, autumn might be the best time to be in the Cotswolds. Accommodation prices roll back to acceptable levels, and the whole area is more relaxed. In between laid-back countryside walks, you can find a table at a pub without booking in advance.

Towns in the Cotswolds like Broadway are especially picturesque after a light dusting of snow © Dave Knibbs / Shutterstock

November to January is the best time for pretty winter landscapes

Winter is the low season in the Cotswolds, but there’s still plenty to do. Shops and restaurants are easier to get into, and there’s more space to enjoy the Cotswolds’ main attractions, such as Hidcote, one of the area’s best gardens (note reduced hours in winter). 

Time it right and you’ll enjoy a pretty sprinkling of snow. Heavy snowfall might derail any hiking plans, yet winter storms create perfect opportunities to cozy up with a warming red wine or hot chocolate in a pub. Prices will be better during this low season, but expect to pay a premium during Christmas and school holidays.

February to May is best for springtime scenes

Spring in the Cotswolds brings blooming flowers, longer and sunnier days, and the return of village markets to town squares. It’s a popular time for visitors without school-age children to…

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