Travel News

Visiting Bethany Beyond the Jordan: Where Jesus was Baptized

St John the Baptist Church

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Bethany Beyond the Jordan was a spiritual experience my lapsed Catholic self was not expecting.

It reminded me that while I don’t believe in religious constructs, I always have believed in and liked Jesus and his teachings of kindness, acceptance, and love. 

St John the Baptist Church and the Jordan River

Not only was I raised Catholic and attended Catholic schools, but I also got my teaching degree at the Catholic University and taught in Catholic schools.

But since I’m no longer practicing, I wasn’t in the “this is a big deal” kind of thinking. In fact, I thought it was going to be the most uninteresting part of our Jordan Escape by Globus tour.

Well, the sacred energy of this Holy Land immediately snuck into my nonchalant perspective and grounded me down into a spiritual experience.

Being at the place where Jesus was baptized by St John the Baptist (the name of the school I attended) was quite monumental and moving.

man at the edge of the water at jesus baptism pool

In a lifetime of travel experiences through over 50 countries, this is one that will sit with high definition clarity at the top of my memory box. It is a hidden gem of Jordan. No make that the Middle East. No make that the World.

In reflection, I only wish I soaked it up more.

Many times with my travels, it’s in looking back where I feel the true value of the experience. I always wonder, “Why didn’t I embrace this fully at the time?”

Do you find that often with yourself?

I think possibly as your five senses are taking everything in at once, it’s hard to process it at the time and understand what it means or how it’s moving you.

That’s why making time for reflection is so valuable – and our memories are so precious. As we say,

“Travel More. Create Better Memories.” (and learn to be a better human.)

What is Bethany Beyond the Jordan?

A sign with Jesus baptism site in the background
The place Jesus was baptized

Al-Maghtas, otherwise known as Bethany Beyond the Jordan, has been a place of pilgrimage for Christians since St John the Baptist conducted his ministry and baptized Jesus of Nazareth.

This pristine wilderness is on the eastern back of the River Jordan, about 9km /5.5 miles north of the Dead Sea and near Mt Nebo where Moses showed the Israelites the Promised Land.

The Baptism Archeological Park is also a national park and was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2015. 

crumbling remains of old buldings in the desert
St John’s Cave area

There are…

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