Travel News

10 Cool Travel Hacks to Save You Money

Expat Guide To Money Management

Regular travellers know that getting from one place to the next can be rather expensive. Still, it doesn’t have to be that way. Whether you travel for business or your experiences tend to be more along the lines of annual holidays, you do not have to spend a small fortune just because you decide to leave home.

There are hacks for just about every area of life – including travel. If you know how the system works, there are lots of little things you can do to save quite a bit of money. Below are the top 10 travel hacks that experienced travellers put to use all the time.

1. Look for Alternative Airports

When you go scouring the internet looking for the best prices on flights, you are likely to only see major airports that have agreements with website operators, travel agents, and the like. But the major airports are not the only players in the game. Smaller, regional airports that do not participate in code-sharing programmes tend to have less traffic and are less expensive to fly in and out of.

people you will meet at the airport
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2. Consider the Least Popular Days

As long as we are talking about flights and airports, consider the least popular flying days when purchasing your tickets. Believe it or not, Tuesday and Wednesday usually offer the best rates to the most popular destinations. Monday is a bad day due to business s traveler heading out for the week; weekends are bad because business travelers are heading home and weekend holiday-makers are heading out. Your best flight rates are going to be on Tuesday and Wednesday; either early in the morning or late at night.

3. Clear Your Cache Before Searching

Many travel websites will place cookies in your browser. These cookies can inadvertently affect prices as millions of people shop online for flights, hotels, and so on. It’s all about demand. As the industry perceives demand is going up, prices go up as well. Business Insider says you will do better if you clear your web browsing cache before searching, or else use an incognito window. Being untraceable keeps you out of the demand loop.

4. Look for Secret Hotel Rooms

Did you know that hotels would rather offer rooms at a discounted rate than let them go empty at the end of the day? These rooms, known as ‘secret rooms’, are blocks of rooms that a hotel is willing to let go at a lower price after the dinner hour. There are two ways to find them, the first being specialty websites that focus on them. The second option is to simply wait until…

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