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Best places to visit in Japan

Best places to visit in Japan

The best places to visit in Japan

The diversity of destinations in Japan is one of the things I love so much about this country, with so many options for a trip.

Whether you’re looking for big cities, traditional experiences, or stunning nature, you’ll find it here in this list of the top Japanese places to visit!

If I could give one bit of advice for visiting Japan, it’s to not consider this to be your only visit. There are so many places to visit in Japan, it’s a country that you can come back to time and time again and always find something new.

From the neon cities and vibrant towns to the natural escapes and authentic experiences, Japan’s 47 prefectures each have their own unique offerings in their food, heritage, and culture.

I understand why first-time visitors to Japan focus on the big attractions like Tokyo and Kyoto, but there’s so much more to the country than the famous tourist destinations. I’ve done more than a dozen trips here over the years, and some of the most enjoyable experiences have been discovering the Japanese places that are less-visited by foreigners.

There’s lots to see on the main island of Honshu, particularly in the centre, which is the most populous part of the country. But Japan’s other main islands – Hokkaido, Shikoku, and Kyushu – showcase the incredible diversity that you’ll find here.

Best places to visit in Japan

I often find it incredible that there are such big differences in the sights across Japan – and that’s one of the greatest joys. No two towns are the same, no two prefectures offer exactly the same experiences. Everywhere you go, you find something new.

So, with all that in mind, I wanted to share some of my tips for where to visit in Japan and what you’ll find in each of them. Perhaps it may inspire you to come back again!


Japan’s largest island, Honshu, is where about 80 per cent of the country’s population lives, and is where the most important cities have existed over the centuries. So it should be no surprise that this is where you’ll find some of the best places to visit in Japan.

I’m sure you know a fair bit about some of these spots, but some of the other ones – just a short train trip away – might be new to you.


The bright lights of Tokyo probably need no introduction. Japan’s metropolis of a capital truly is a city that never sleeps, from the electronics and manga stores of Akihabara, to the nightlife of Shinjuku.

For visitors, some of the main sights of interest include the Meiji…

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