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17 Incredible Things to Do in Bodrum in 2022

Bodrum Turkey

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Bodrum is a popular tourist hot spot in Turkey known for having world-class family-friendly resorts, stunning beaches and, for the younger crowd, amazing nightlife. But if you’re not sure what to do in Bodrum Turkey, then you’ve come to the right place.

As part of our city guides series, we interviewed Roving Jay who has been traveling to the Bodrum Peninsula for the past 4 years. We were lucky enough to get some inside advice and guidance to the best things to do in Bodrum, as well as some tips for places to eat, stay, drink, and explore.

If you’re planning on visiting Bodrum but you’re not sure what attractions will keep you busy, read on to see some of the best things to do on the Bodrum peninsula.

Bodrum Castle at Sunset

Why Visit Bodrum Turkey?

The Bodrum Peninsula has a distinctly European feel. It’s fringed with a crystal clear stretch of the Aegean Sea, and is only 20 minutes to the nearest Greek Island of Kos. To me, the Bodum Peninsula is a multi-dimensional gem; you just have to venture below the surface to discover it.

Sure the Gumbet area caters to the 18-30 party crowd; but just a short drive North to Turkbuku and you’ll discover a place that has been touted in the NY Times as “Turkey’s San Tropez” and attracts the glitterati from Istanbul and various European cities.

Bodrum has a long history; in fact, the Father of history, Herodotus, was born here. Bodrum is also near to not one, but two of the 7 wonders of the ancient world, as well as being home to one of the most prestigious Museums of Underwater Archeology, which is housed in the Bodrum Castle.

In the tourist hubs, there are also plenty of eating, shopping, and entertainment options. But, during my trips, I like to step off the well-trodden path; explore the back streets, and immerse myself in daily interactions and activities with the locals.

Getting Around Bodrum, Turkey

Bodrum is a peninsula on the South West side of Turkey. It connects to the Aegean Sea in the North and the Mediterranean in the South.

You can get around Bodrum using the minibusses (Dolmuş in Turkish) and while they are a cheap way to get around, many of them operate on Turkish time – they show up when they feel like it. Don’t worry though, they do show up eventually.

These small passenger vans zip between locations and, although it’s the standard…

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