Travel News

Latest news from A Luxury Travel Blog (Q4, 2022)

Latest news from A Luxury Travel Blog (Q4, 2022)

Hello readers! This is the last instalment this year of the new quarterly round-ups that we’ve been issuing. We hope this year has seen you be able to enjoy a return to regular travel and, for those of you in the industry, we hope there have been plenty of signs of post-COVID recovery. Meanwhile, here are just some of the things that are going on with A Luxury Travel Blog.


As you may have seen, I have been slowly churning out all the content from our incredible trip to Iceland. This is no mean feat as we did so much whilst we were there! If you would like to follow the trip, we are producing new articles on a daily basis (and will most likely do so for most of the rest of this month), and you can follow all of this material as it is published via this link.

World Travel Market

As usual, I will be at this year’s World Travel Market held at Excel, London, one of the world’s leading international travel and tourism events. It is a great place to see what is going on in the world of travel andto connect face-to-face. This year it will be running from 7th to 9th November 2022. If you are attending and would like to meet, please contact us.

Christmas gift round-ups

I know it’s a bit too soon to be talking about Christmas. However, each year we do a series of Christmas gift round-ups which are all always super-popular. If you would like to see your product featured in one of these pieces, please make sure you complete this form.


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As you may have seen in the news, the GBP is very weak at the moment – the weakest it’s been against the USD… ever! As I type, £1 equates to $1.12, compared with $1.35 at the beginning of the year and $1.71 less than a decade ago. As we are a UK company and all invoices are in GBP, what this means is that there has never been a better time for North American companies to advertise with us. In fact, it’s not bad a time for any overseas companies, as the pound is weak against most currencies right now. If you’d like to know more about the various advertising opportunities available on the site, please contact us.

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