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The top 8 off-the-beaten-track destinations in Egypt

Camels sit in a sandy landscape at the Step Pyramid, Sakkara, Egypt

One of the cradles of civilization, Egypt has a bounty of ancient monuments that’s unparalleled anywhere else in the world.

The names of Egypt’s big-hitters – the Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, King Tut and the Valley of the Kings – are known by millions around the globe who might never even set foot in the country.

Because these historic places have lured foreign travelers to Egypt for literal millennia – ancient Greek and Roman tourists carved graffiti into the walls of tombs in the Valley of the Kings – the well-trodden path to see them is hardly a secret, and you’ll rarely find yourself alone on a visit.

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First-time visitors to Egypt tend to follow a standard route from Cairo to Luxor and end their trip in Aswan. While we’re certainly not advocating skipping any of the best places to visit in Egypt, returning travelers who are looking to dig deeper and have unique experiences will find this incredible country has plenty more to discover beyond the scripted itinerary. 

Many beautiful and lesser-visited areas of Egypt, such as Siwa Oasis in the far Western Desert and parts of the Sinai Peninsula, are open to and warmly welcome travelers, but some western governments, including the US Department of State, advise against travel in these regions. Check your government’s travel advice before your trip, as well as with your accommodations and local tour operators when you arrive.

Here’s how to get off the beaten track on your trip to Egypt.

Saqqara is south of the Pyramids of Giza and is Egypt’s largest and most fruitful archaeological site © iStockphoto / Getty Images

1. If you like the Pyramids of Giza, try Saqqara

It’s impossible not to be awestruck when you see the iconic Pyramids of Giza with your own eyes for the first time. 

You’ll likely also be struck by the sheer spectacle of humanity here: passengers emptying out of oversized buses, would-be tour guides touting their services, camel- and horse-drivers ready to take you for a ride (financially and otherwise), the surprisingly sticky interior of the pyramids glistening with the sweat and humid breath of those who dare enter.

But the Pyramids of Giza are far from the only structures of their sort on this section of the Nile’s west bank. Slightly to the south is Saqqara, the necropolis of ancient Egypt’s first capital of Memphis and…

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