Travel News

Quiz! Which Asian destination should you travel to next year?

Quiz! Which Asian destination should you travel to next year?

It’s a thought that comes to us all. Usually after a good movie… or a really bad day at the office. ‘This is it,’ we tell ourselves, ‘I’m off to visit Asia.’

But then there’s the planning part. The questions. ‘Do I start in Japan or do I end there?’ ‘Turkey or Thailand?’ ‘Malaysia or Maldives?’

With 48 countries and what feels like 48,000 routes between them, we get overwhelmed. We close our laptop and switch on the Discovery Channel. Settle for a travel documentary instead.

But not this year. This is the year it HAPPENS. The year you hop onto that sailboat (or bullet train) and hit the jungle. Or the sprawling cities. Or the desert.

And to help you along the way to your dream trip, we’ve designed a quick Q&A to help you pinpoint your perfect Asian destination.

You are welcome.

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