Travel News

Is Tulum Safe? 15 Tips for Solo Female Travelers


Tulum is at the top of many travelers’ lists of where they want to go in Mexico. With its crystalline cenotes and white, sandy beaches, can you blame them?

In the last decade, Tulum has exploded in popularity and has transformed from a sleepy backpacker village to one of the top beach destinations in the country. Although its reputation as an idyllic beach paradise is well deserved because of its natural beauty, the uptick in tourism has also contributed to some of the town’s security concerns. So, is Tulum safe?

Below I’ll list my top tips for staying safe while visiting Tulum, so that you can have an amazing time there, worry-free:

1. Do not purchase or use illegal substances

There’s so much more to Tulum than the parties.

Since Tulum is now one of the rowdiest party destinations in Mexico, it’s no surprise that the town has seen a huge increase in demand for illegal substances. The result is that cartels are fighting over turf in Tulum, and innocent civilians have been caught in the crossfire.

When you purchase party drugs in Tulum, you are actively contributing to violence by supporting these groups. There’s no other way to put it. You also put yourself at risk of getting mixed up with the wrong crowd. Additionally, you never know what these substances could be laced with — and even if they’re pure, taking them can lower your inhibitions and therefore put you at risk.

2. Consume alcohol responsibly

While drinking in Tulum isn’t nearly as dangerous as buying and consuming drugs, it’s always a good idea to practice caution. Make sure to drink plenty of water if you are imbibing alcohol, and never leave your drink unattended. It’s quite common in Tulum for people to spike drinks, so never let yours out of your sight.

If you’re traveling solo and meet other travelers in Tulum, have a buddy system if you decide to go out to the bars. That way, you and the other person will be looking out for each other and can make sure everyone gets home okay.

3. Stay aware of your surroundings


This nods to the two points above but also applies to being out and about in the daytime as well. Whether it’s on the beach or on the street in the hotel zone or Tulum Centro, there are petty thieves waiting for you to let your guard down so they can swipe your belongings. Especially if you’re alone, it’s important to always be aware of your surroundings.

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