Travel News

3 Day Washington DC Vacation Itinerary (with kids)

Mom and daughters looking out over the National Mall in DC

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Washington DC may not sound like the most exciting holiday travel destination for a teen and tween who have spent most of their lives traveling (and visiting far too many museums).

DC will be boring” my two daughters protested when I told them we were taking our annual holiday season trip this year to the nation’s capital.

With my teen & tween in front of the Abraham Lincoln Memorial

So, I appointed myself the difficult task of making a memorable Washington DC vacation for all members of our family. And I’m very happy to say, “Mission accomplished.”

Both of our girls loved their trip to DC. They enjoyed experiencing firsthand many of the places they have seen in films and TV or learned about in school. They loved the extra fun things we did like bike riding, ice skating, and holiday shopping.

Mom and two daughters riding bikes in Washington DC
We enjoyed biking the National Mall

If you’re looking for a three-day itinerary for Washington DC that will please your kids, as well as mom and dad of course, then you will enjoy this Washington DC trip I’ve highlighted below.

Is Washington DC a Good Destination To Visit In The Holiday Season?

Parents and their daughters posing for a photo under an arch of Christmas lights
Decorations in Georgetown, D.C.

When Allianz Partners Top 10 Thanksgiving Destination Index came out sharing the top 10 destinations for Americans traveling in the United States for Thanksgiving and the Holiday season, we decided to choose number 9 on the list, Washington DC.

(New York City of course topped the list, followed by Seattle, Orlando, Fort Lauderdale, Boston, Atlanta, Phoenix, Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Dallas.)

While it might be too late for you to travel to DC for Thanksgiving, Christmas is around the corner and a time that is just as great to experience any of these destinations.

Most of the seasonal Christmas experiences start the day after Thanksgiving, so it’s perfect timing to enjoy them.

About This 3 Day Itinerary for Washington DC

Mon and daughter taking a photo outside the US Capitol Builing in Washington DC
We enjoyed a tour of the U.S. Capitol Building

For this trip to DC, we wanted to fit in a few holiday experiences as well as visit the top Washington DC attractions including memorials, museums, and of course, a taste of local culture.

We arrived on a Sunday afternoon and left after lunch on Wednesday, so had a full three days of exploring.

Depending on your schedule, you may need to be flexible with how you do this itinerary. You may need to adapt it to fit your circumstances. Use this as a guide and inspiration, and juggle it around as you see fit.

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