Travel News

Connections 2023 – The Taucker Travel Blog

Tauck Family

Welcome to Connections, our annual celebration of Tauck adventures and shared memories as seen through the eyes of our family, our staff, our partners and of course, our guests. Enjoy!

In an amazing year filled with heartfelt anticipation, unbridled excitement, a few challenges but more successes, friendships new and renewed, and memories of good times shared and more to come, the joys we experienced throughout 2022 were varied, vast and very special to us all.
Thank you for helping make this a year to remember!

Welcome back!

Tauck’s all company meetings are an annual event we all look forward to each year. They are informative and engaging with insights about our industry and our roadmap to the future. 2022 marks the first time we were able to hold an indoor meeting since 2019 – and nearly 300 of us showed up, including members of the Tauck family, our Board of Directors (pictured at right), and employees from 27 states and seven foreign countries.

CEO Dan Mahar addressed the gathering with heartfelt opening remarks. “Restarting operations from a complete shutdown was a daunting challenge, but our staged restart in 2021 paved the way for this year’s success, and in turn this year’s success has given us the experience, resources and momentum to continue moving forward in 2023. It’s the people that power our industry and they came together to make dreams come true for so many. Our travel advisors and partner-suppliers were critical to our success this year, and our exceptional restart wouldn’t have been possible without them. Once again, we are able to be a positive force for good in our world and we are so appreciative of all the people who played a role in making this happen. Proud 2022 highlights include hosting the same number of guests we hosted in 2019 on trips in 61 different countries and all seven continents with high guest satisfaction scores to match and achieving near record-high advanced bookings for 2023!”

Not surprisingly, there were a lot of happy tears in the room as we celebrated the most pivotal year in the history of our company – and one of the biggest rebounds in the industry, approaching our pre-pandemic levels of guests!

Tauck CEO Dan Mahar
Travel + Leisure

We’re honored by your votes

For our 25th consecutive year, we’ve been recognized on the “World’s Best Awards” list, thanks to the readers of Travel + Leisure magazine. What’s more, we were the only…

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