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Quintessential Wisconsin cocktails

Quintessential Wisconsin cocktails

Quick…when I say Wisconsin – what comes to mind for you? For me, it conjures up images of rolling hills, cheese, cows, football, supper clubs, and……booze. Yes – that might not be what Wisconsin wants to be known for, but I can’t help it, when I think of Wisconsin, I think of cocktails.

For some weird reason, Wisconsin has a lot of quirky traditions when it comes to cocktails, more than I’ve experienced in any other state. On my last trip to Madison, I went on a quest to find 4 of my favorite quintessential Wisconsin cocktails and learn more about them; specifically, how did they become so steeped in Wisconsin traditions.

My plan was to analyze (and taste!) the Wisconsin Old Fashioned, the Wisconsin Bloody Mary, the Pink Squirrel, and the Tom and Jerry Hot Toddy. It’s a rough job to have to research and taste cocktails…but this was all in the name of writing…really.

All in the name of research!

Meet Madison’s Cocktail Expert

To start my research, I sought out the expert in Madison, Brian Bartels, author of the United States of Cocktails, and The Bloody Mary. He started as a bartender and evolved into what we now call a mixologist. He’s not just pumping out typical cocktails, he’s inventing them. And he does a mighty good job of it! Now a well-known cocktail author, he also recently went back to his home state of Wisconsin and opened his own cocktail bar – Oz by Oz.

Oz by Oz is an inventive and eclectic cocktail bar near the capitol that is a treat for any cocktail lover. Brian has created some incredible drinks served alongside Wisconsin favorites like the Wisconsin Old Fashioned. He also describes it as a ‘snackeasy’ since they serve fun snacks with their cocktails such as candied walnuts and bacon. It really is the perfect pre or post dinner stop in Madison.

Brian provided me some background on each of the 4 drinks as well as theories as to why some of these drinks have become so popular in Wisconsin. I totally geeked out talking to him and trying some of his inventive creations on the menu.

Brian and I talked about our love of Spanish Gin & Tonics. Make sure you read my article, You’ve Been Making Gin and Tonics All Wrong to learn exactly what a Spanish Gin & Tonic is.

4 Wisconsin Cocktails You Must Try

1. Wisconsin Old Fashioned

A traditional Old Fashioned is made with Bourbon, sugar, bitters, and garnished with an orange peel or cherry. However a Wisconsin old fashioned has very little in common with…

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