Travel News

The world’s coolest second cities, from Milan to Mumbai

The world’s coolest second cities, from Milan to Mumbai

Capital cities are often, if not overrated, definitely overcrowded. Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin: they all have their charms, of course, but they also have the accompanying hordes of tourists to prove it.

Why not swap the headline act for a country’s second city? With the pressure off, these more under-radar destinations can offer better-value, less-saturated experiences, while being even more grateful for your tourist pounds.

Parisians may not be fussed if you’re there or not, but head south to Marseille and they’ll likely be delighted with your mangled attempt at GCSE French. Likewise, in Amsterdam your presence may feel like it’s adding to the crush, whereas in Rotterdam you’ll find plenty of space amid the modern architecture, and a just-as-vibrant cultural scene to get stuck into.

That’s why we’re turning the spotlight on second cities, whether they’re lesser-known cultural hot spots or thriving urban paradises which make their respective countries’ capitals look distinctly plain. Here are some of the best to visit.

Hamburg, Germany

Speicherstadt at twilight, Hamburg

(Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Despite its status as Germany’s second largest city (it’s also the EU’s largest non-capital city), Hamburg is much easier to explore than sprawling Berlin, partly due to its navigable historic city centre, which includes the Unesco-listed areas of Speicherstadt and Kontorhaus. Both provide an insight into how the city transformed into the maritime capital of the north, and many of the city’s oldest buildings – which include the largest single complex of brick warehouses – date back to Hanseatic times. And while Berlin’s famous for its clubs, Hamburg specialises in culture, a great example of which is the Elbe Philharmonic Hall, made with one thousand tonnes of steel, covered with 6,000 sequins and built on the foundations of a derelict warehouse.

Read more: This under-the-radar European city has been named the best in the world for a night out

Mumbai, India

Mumbai’s Gateway of India

(Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Delhi might be India’s capital, but let’s be honest, it’s somewhat lacking in the looks department. Unlike India’s second largest city, Mumbai, which has the second largest (and Unesco-listed) collection of art deco buildings after Miami. It’s also got the gloriously gothic Chhatrapati Shivaji…

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