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Guide To Visiting The Dirty Dancing Festival, Lake Lure

people dancing to the band at the Dirty Dancing Festival Lake Lure

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If you happen to be in Lake Lure in August, then you may want to check out the Annual Dirty Dancing Festival, which is a fantastic day event full of fun and laughter, beach bands, food, beer and wine, and of course, lots and lots of dancing!

It’s not just about the dance performances though, you can also take part in dance lessons, build crafts with craft vendors, and finish off with the Lake Lift Competition which reenacts the iconic scene where Patrick Swayze lifts Jennifer Grey in the lake.

Savannah and I enjoying a dance

This was a party where people knew themselves. There was no searching or seeking, playing with their hair, or pursing their lips, it was just a place where everyone could have a feel-good time and celebrate this iconic movie.

If you’re thinking you’d like to visit the Dirty Dancing Festival, then keep reading to find out more about it and how you can attend…

About The Dirty Dancing Festival Lake Lure, North Carolina

peopel sitting on lawn chairs watching music on stage
What a pretty place to host the Dirty Dancing festival

Lake Lure’s Dirty Dancing Festival is held every year in August in Lake Lure. Dates for 2023 are yet to be announced. It takes place in the Hickory Nut Gorge, on the spot where the actual movie was filmed.

The basketball courts make way for a huge stage where dance lessons take place, and the grassy lawn becomes an outdoor cinema.

Activites you can expect on the day are watermelon-carrying races, amateur shag competitions, Kellerman’s Festival Talent Show, a lakeside film screening (of course) and finally, the annual Lake Lift competition.

Each year, only 2,500-3,000 tickets are sold so you need to book ahead if you want to secure your spot.

Check out the official website for more details.

Our Experience At The Dirty Dancing Festival

4,000 people coming together to relive the memories and the one liners.

I carried a watermelon. “Nobody puts baby in the corner.”

Tell me you haven’t said a Dirty Dancing line a hundred times with your best friends.

The only movie to rival it in my personal movie rerun history was Girls Just Want to Have Fun.

I’ve seen Dirty Dancing at least 20 times, and the last dance scene when Johnny takes baby from the corner to do the lift at least 100.

peopel dancing on stange

On our Dirty Dancing tour of Lake Lure and Chimney Rock State park in Western North Carolina, we were told it was a low budget film.


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